Workflows & the 5 Ws of Recruiting 

Join us for the February Deep Dive Webinar where JazzHR experts Jen Schmitz, Customer Success Manager, and Jen Kurtz, Customer Success Manager, will share "The 5 Ws of Recruiting" and how mastering your workflow is crucial for success in 2020. This hour dive deep into creating and maintaining workflows in JazzHR, and getting your team involved and meeting recruiting goals.

Featured Speakers:
Jen Schmitz
Customer Success Manager
Jen Kurtz
Customer Success Manager
This workshop has passed:

This workshop has passed, to get a copy of the slides and the recording fill out the form to the right.
Learn the following:
  • Identify the team members responsible for the stages of the recruiting process and outline their responsibilities
  • Maintain urgency to capture top talent and ensure recruiting timelines are met
  • Keep goals top of mind with automated processes and plenty of collaboration opportunities

Get the recording.